This wall is on the side of  T & T Auto, Pennington and Prospect St in Trenton, NJ.  The wall has always been some what controversial with the Neighbors, but the owner Cliff always had my back. It definitely did not help that the last two walls, although both had a positive message, involved the devil. So when I decided to re-paint the wall I wanted to do two things: 1. Do the wall in a similar fashion to the way I do my water colors. 2. Paint something beautiful that the neighbors would love. So I worked the background and Ras did the portrait ( a random picture of Model Sincerely Ward). Ras was half-way done with the portrait when one of the neighbors stopped and said that  the portrait looked like a demon, because it was blue.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

base coat

Filling in some shapes and the portrait

Finished piece "Beauty" photo by Ricardo Barros