Featured On CNN

Featured On CNN

Jersey Fresh Graffiti Jam Featured On CNN “Business Owner Encourages Graffiti” Click Here To See The Video You’ve seen graffiti on subway cars and roadways, but is it art? One New Jersey businessman thinks...

Freestyle Fridays Week #33

I started this sketch a couple weeks ago but with the Jersey Fresh Graffiti Jam coming up I let it sit. Started out wit some mechanical drawings in colored pencil. Added some water color filling in areas, but also blending, and splashing. Added a skull with ball point...

Freestyle Fridays Week #32

Started out with a small sized deco paint marker. I tried to be as clean as possible and make things still line up properly. Finished off with water color and colored pencil.

Freestyle Fridays Week #31

This week I waited until the last minute to rock this joint. So I decided to work with spray paint. I did the first few layers with streaks, blurrs, and dots. Colors are importantĀ  at this stage. I used all bright colors to off set theĀ  Black and White piece to come...

Freestyle Fridays Week #30

Back to Basics! Started out with some craft paint and a cheap foam brush. I worked in some basic shapes allowing the Greens and Blues to mix together. Rocked the Trenton Makes with Painters and created an abstract design around it. I decided it needed a character and...